Logo And Website Design Officer – Love Thy Pets

Website designing has become imperative to showcase your presence online.

Among the different branding and marketing tactics used, logo design is essential as it creates your consistent identity across the web.

Our logo and web design services can help you communicate your ownership, values, and quality. We provide our website design services for almost all business sectors in Melbourne.

We have recently designed a website and logo for one of our clients. Love thy pets.

You can view it here:

When Love Thy Pets came to The Website Queen, their main focus was building a website that would appeal to animal lovers and pet owners of all ages!

The logo came first with a design that showed not only the owners style and tastes but showed that their business was for pet lovers.

From there we collaborated to build a website where animal enthusiasts could purchase online their favourite pet accessories.

The main features of the Love Thy Pet’s Website are

  • Clean simple design that is responsive across all devices
  • An online shop that the clients could easily update and add to when they wanted to expand their range
  • The ability to add content for their audience
  • A simple online payment system
  • An online shop that allowed for different sizes and colours of their products
  • Social Media Integration
Love Thy Pets Victoria - Pet Products Website Design

Our website and logo design services include the following:

  • Assist you in finalising the domain name as it reflects your brand’s voice. We try to pick a name incorporating SEO, brand identity, and simple spelling.
  • We ensure excellent backend services as we understand that no matter how attractive a website is, it is useless without solid backend services.
  • Our designers understand that a clean and appealing website always attracts customers and readers. A clean website allows visitors to focus on the critical aspects, whether it be the products or other vital information.
  • Depending on your business industry and target market, we choose colours. Colours have definite meanings, and they trigger emotions. Similarly, while designing the logo, we focus on three solid colours as it creates a powerful impact.
  • Today’s world is going online in almost all domains; thus, having a logo helps your target market and customers instantly recognise you. We understand that logo creates your brand identity, and therefore we always try to incorporate your brand’s core values, mission, vision, and belief system in your logo. Our professional team of designers strives to build a strong logo for your business to establish a symbolic connection between you and your customers.
  • Even after designing the website, we ensure that your website is in the functional stage. We check whether all contact forms, customer feedback, surveys, and other website features work fine.

Want to get a website or logo designed for you? Contact The Website Queen – Website Design Officer today!